Last year I had such a great time at the San Diego Comic Con! So I'm a bit sad not being over there again, like this week, 'cause you know, I'm in France where it's pouring!!... But hey I won't totally miss the event. Have a closer look here at TR!CKSTER! And it's taking place right now in San Diego!
An exclusive hardcover art book has been made specially for the event. Incredible artists are contributing to it (just the cover is telling A LOT)! You can see my rough piece here, but I'm not sure this is real. (If you read me and you happen to be in SD, please do show me some photos!!) ;)
I'll be over at San Diego tomorrow! Are you selling prints or something at Trickster, or just the collab on the book? And what kind of pics would you like? :D
Love your work, wish I could see you here. Maybe next year! :D
Oh how nice of you erika! ^^
I've just made an illustration for the book. I wish I could see how the image looks printed, how the book looks like, how's the atmosphere in the Trickster building. These small details, you know.
But don't bother too much! I'm not a psycho! :D
Lucky you! Enjoy while you're there!
Wonderful, very expressive!
Super cute! Appropriately happy for having a pet fox! great weught and expression in both characters! Would love to see more like this.
Ta contribution est super mignonne !!
J'ai hâte de voir l'illustration finale :)
Amazing blog :)
Vraiment trop beau ! :D ♥
All your stuff is AWESOME!!!!
Your drawings are sweet and charming. I love your line work it's elegant and energetic. Beautiful and fun work.
et la couleurs?!
La version couleur dès que j'aurai reçu mon exemplaire...
oh, very "hellboy" - is this a tribute to the great Mignola?
Thanks for share this information with us, I always come across this amazing post.
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