... is the motive for this drawing and at the same time it's a funny souvenir I kept from NY, it's something you commonly see in the streets of Manhattan and it's a job! Happy Chinese New Year! ;)
I absolutely love this picture! It's so great I wish there were more words to describe that. It's alive! And I adore your work. It's beautifully colored and you gave all your characters wonderful expressions and you have quirky ideas.
Great drawing! Love the pose.
Excellent ! Amazing color work !
Wow! It´s absolutely gorgeous!
I love the expression on her face! Also, the dogs are so cute. Fluffy! :)
She is great!!!!! Such a funny face :D
Happy Chinese to you too ;).
This is a fun drawing!! Happy New Year!
Cool! Happy New Year!
what a great illustration! Love the colors and the expression!
Happy New Year!
sorry ;) Happy Chinese New Year to you too
fresh and funny! I like it!!
HA! Les 'dog walkers'... tres chouette concept pour cette nouvelle année chinoise! :)
Great Picture !
so lovely colour works!
Wow! C'est vachement cool!
genial !!!! enfin du nouveau ... du bon .... du chwinggstyle :)
Trop kiffant
Magnifique ! J'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites :-) La mise en couleur est vraiment chouette, les chiens ont beaucoup de personalite aussi.
C'est fantastique!
WOW, great piece. There are A LOT of wonderful things about this piece. From the gestures, characters in the dogs, to the color . . .DAMN IMPRESSIVE.
Keep em' coming.
That's great! Awesome idea, and it looks really really nice!
i like to think of myself as being able to draw, but when i look at your stuff... i have a long way to go!
you're work is so amazing!
i will now go into my kitchen and gouge my eyeballs
out with a rusty melonballer.....
BIG THANK YOU to you guys! It's a real pleasure for me to have your reactions here.
Mercii ^0^!
Simplement excellent! ^^
beautiful!! i love this pic
I absolutely love this picture! It's so great I wish there were more words to describe that. It's alive! And I adore your work. It's beautifully colored and you gave all your characters wonderful expressions and you have quirky ideas.
amazing amazing blog!
really love your art!
oh très interessant! a japanese illustrator living in paris! just been there...! allez y!
Ahhhhhh, this is fantastic. So lively
WOW, your stuff is amazing! Love your sense of color and expression. SO FUN!!
Oh and Happy New Year to you too! Cheers!<3
Awesome painting!! Beautiful character work!
Your style is so fresh, I absolutely love it! Perhaps you can elaborate on the process involved. Thanks for sharing!
Great piece! Love to see more sequential pieces, like this one.
An excellent congratulations for an excellent subject and an excellent blog !!!
voyance gratuite par mail
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