Thanks again as usual for those who come here and leave me their comments. I'm sorry I'm not very active at the moment with the blog, there's so much to do a day is not enough. If I could skip going out and eating and sleeping maybe I could do more things :)
I know how it is with time management and all. Regardless, I still look forward to your posts and am very inspired when I see them! Keep up all that you do!
comme je te comprends...parfois si frustrant de n'avoir que 24h dans une journée!Tes croquis sont toujours aussi bien trempés qu'à l'habituée...Un plaisir de venir sur ton blog!
beautiful life drawings!!
you continue to amaze me
beautiful drawings
the girl you drew sure looks attentive to the model =D
beautiful lifedrawing too!
pas beaucoup d'activité mais vu que ton travail est très beau...un rien ravi les yeux
Nice stuff the figure drawings are cool because of their simplicity. I have a hard time keeping it simple
Awesome drawings, lots of life, great expressions
The percentages would increase in course of time. Useful information indeed. Thanks.
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