J'aimais bien ce truc à l'époque. Le mien avait une graine égarée sur le nez et elle avait germé. Krôo mignon ! Et puis c'était aussi pour vous souhaitez une très bonne année! Et bonne santé aussi (très important)! Peu de temps à consacrer au blog en ce moment... :/
Bonne année ^^
Take care of you - and take your time.
I am sure everybody will wait for the time you will have more time for the blog again.
I will :-)
Funny. :)
nawww nostalgie. Super idée de dessin ^.^ Et superbe, comme toujours!
je tombe sur ce blog aux hasards d'internet... Juste pour dire que ces dessins sont vraiment magnifiques, j'en ai eu plein les mirettes! :D merci!
Hahhahhaa ha... I remember that I had one of this when I was "teenager". Cool!
funni work
very cute and well done. the spuds got spunk and tons of personality.
Ahah, j'me rappelle trop de ces trucs la! sauf que toi tu as reussi a le rendre bien plus joli que celui que j'avais eu... que je trouvais trop moche... mais je trippais sur ses cheveux par contre! ehe.
Il y en avait des trop moches je me souviens aussi... ^^ Mais celui que j'avais ressemblait assez à celui-là, heureusement pour moi.
hahah, this is just awesome!!! I love the expression on his face. You should do one where he's got a full head of hair (sprouts!)
Very cute and the Xmas one below is terrific too!!! happy New Year!
J'aime vraiment bien tes dessin...hop dans mes favoris et puis dans mes liens aussi.
je repasserais regulierement...
Ha,ha,ha,ha,! Nice one!:))
After bet basketball we spoke at an elementary school here in northern Ohio, the entire third-grade class made Grass Head Guys as a project," says Danita Thomas. "The children were excited to see their Guys each morning at school. Each child enjoyed creating his or her own, but the sportsbook kids cared for all the Guys as a group, watering them and trimming their hair. We were amazed to hear that the projects lasted for more than four months.
Spoon the grass seed into the stocking foot, and the potting soil on top of the seed. Tie a knot in the stocking, march madness leaving the excess fabric hanging. Fill a yogurt container halfway with water and place the stocking head on top with the nylon tail in the water to serve as a wick. Attach googly eyes to the head and draw on a mouth with permanent marker. To decorate the yogurt container, tape on clothing made from card stock or other materials.
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