ayant parcouru un peu tout ton blog et un peu ton site... je trouve ça tres joulie et t'est donc mis en coup de coeur dans mon blog si tu n'y voit pas d'inconveniant... merci et bonne continuation...!!!
Thanks for sharing such a useful information.Professional Logo Design I was just surfing on internet and found your blog after reading this i realize that i should come here often. voyance avenir gratuit en ligne
Good work, sometimes I'd like to make something not digital but... I'm a Photoshop addict.
I can't watch the drawings in bigger size.
Très sympa le croquis au crayon...
J'aime beaucoup !! Très très beau
Nice stuff , especially Pyjamas, it's great!
It is not the world famous NINOMOJO drawed on the second picture ? :D
cute work :)
Something's weird indeed with viewing pictures on the new blogspot... I'll see what I can do... At least, on Firefox there's no such problem.
I'm a Photoshop addict too but somtimes I feel like I have to force myself to work traditionally. It can only do you good.
The famous Ninomojo it is, hehe! ;)
Thanks everybody!
F*ck me I'm famous !
beautiful people drawings!!
wow grat watercolor. Nice to cknow you! ^_^
Man, your life drawings are great!!! They knocked me off. Beautiful work.
Beautiful sketches!:)
ayant parcouru un peu tout ton blog et un peu ton site... je trouve ça tres joulie et t'est donc mis en coup de coeur dans mon blog si tu n'y voit pas d'inconveniant... merci et bonne continuation...!!!
wonderful stuff, love the marker stuff.
the first guy seems to be really enyoing the nap! i love watercolor, great job!
Good lines, good colors!
Bon ben comme mon frère aksel, je te rajoute dans mes coups de cœur moi aussi ! J'aime beaucoup ton travail !
amazing drawings. great techique
Wonderful work. Congratulations!
très jolie cette aquarelle...keep up the good work
I'm studying figure drawing right now and I am very envious of you drawings! Nice work.
Thanks for sharing such a useful information.Professional Logo Design I was just surfing on internet and found your blog after reading this i realize that i should come here often.
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