Sunday, March 11, 2007

42 Too much...

One update at last! :)

[ Click on image ]
Le plus difficile dans beaucoup de domaines est de durer. Mon blog ne finira pas comme cette grenouille :)


Anonymous said...

je trouve la mise en couleurs sublime. ce que dit Cali est également très vrai :)

Flávia Leitão said...

The girls are lovelly!!!
So tender!!!

Nino Mojo said...

I love the style !

Unknown said...

Love the expression on these characters!! FUn !! Poor frog!!

Anonymous said...

Oh great!! Ahahahahah the dead frog, wonderful!

Nino Mojo said...

Am I the only one who caught the Pikmin reference? :)

Anonymous said...

you are an ARTIST!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha !
Très drôle la chute :)

chhuy-ing said...

Vos réactions me font énormément plaisir, merci beaucoup et vive les Pikmins! :)

Kim Gadbois said...

So adorable. the sad little girl looks kinda boyish to me. Makes it even funnier. I love it!

Anonymous said...

two thumbs up!!

I have a bit the feeling the two girls are from two slidly diffrent style-dimensions -but I like both!

you are really good!!


C.Deboda said...

Love it! Very appealing characters.

elgunto said...

Excellent !
J'adore les persos, leur expression... Superbe !

chhuy-ing said...

Yes I think so too, you have a very good eye Uwe :)
The second girl came to me quite naturally whereas I had to re-work the first one several times... I tried to have a different style and then I thought I should also change the other girl but then I just wanted to put the colors and finish the picture... :P

Laura Braga said...

wow....great illustration and great colors!!!
very funny the blonde girl!!!he-he-he!! when I was a child I had a frog too!!:))



Doug said...

Cool Stuff.

Sam Nielson said...

Hahahah! That's fantastic in so many ways.

Dee said...

these girls are soo cute! Love the expressions and the gracefulness of the sitting girl.
Good to see you back. ;)

Emmanuelle.Walker said...

Tres sympathique ces petites :) J'aime bien que tu aies meme fait l'âme de la grenouille qui s'evapore!

Thies said...

I looooove these girls!!!

Antonio Santamaria said...

Adorable girls... It's really funny!!! Congratulations also for your portfolio website... Really fantastic!!! Direct to my favourite sites!!!

Daff said...

Rhaa j'adore! Super persos, super "scènette" que du bon! :)
Content de t'avoir découvert!

Amy said...

I absolutely love your work. Funny, enchanting, sexy, soulful. Awesome :)

An said...

grenouille pauvre, me donne peine :(

Javier Burgos "Javas" said...

wow loving your stuff! adding you to my blog links! take a look! see ya!

acrylicana said...

Oh my, they are ever so cute!
Poor frogy. :/ aw. ~_o

Anonymous said...

pourquoi tous les com que j'ai laisser hier n'ont pas marché ???

Anonymous said...

bon, puisque aujourd'hui ca marche, je voulais vous dire que j'aime bcp ce que vous faite, c'est vraiment simpa !
bis et à bientot

Alec said...

I saw your drawings on the blog and i find them so delicious, if you want to see mine go on my personal blog i'm draughtsman too. (

Anonymous said...

les dessins sont supers!!!!! c vraiment magnifique!!! j'adorrrrrrrrr et j'adherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! pour la peine je te mets ds mes liens! hop!

Jörn said...

So cute! Good shape as good colours. wow

vincentbd/Renton said...

Je découvre ton blog et.. avec ce dessin en page de démarrage.. Wahow... Sublimissime !!! Dans la compo, la couleur, le contraste du message !!! bravo!! Je suis passé de ignare à fan absolu en quelques secondes !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i love these girls,you are a great artist!!

Anonymous said...

Ho non la grenouille elle est morte ç__ç

J'adore la petite fille avec le baton, malgré une mort, c'est un dessin mignon ^^

Milenko said...

Awesome. beautiful colors.



Anonymous said...

Qui c'est qui t'a mis une idee pareille dans la tete ?

Michelle said...

aaw, poor little frog. The expressions are beautifully done! I really just absolutely love your illustration style!

Andy C. said...

Wow. The child in the blue dress really popped at me -- beautiful character and design. It is truly outstanding. Thank you for sharing.

So much great work to view, now I must go through the archives :)

ddd said...

excelent,one of my favorites pages,

yoxx said...

wow.. Belles filles :)

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