librairie Lis Voir (métro Goncourt, ligne 11)
Vous êtes prévenus. Venez nombreux, ça me fera plaisir (même si je stresse comme une baleine car je ne sais pas dédicacer, gloups!...) Je serai avec mes compères David Gilson et Gérald Guerlais. A demain!
For people in Paris only, tomorrow evening, Gérald Guerlais, David Gilson and I will sign the comic book Rendez-Vous at the bookshop Lis Voir.
Hey my friend!! Wish I could be there!
cool! I will think of you! Enjoy it!!
such a cool drawing! I wish I could be there.
Thank you rawls and bobby. Wish you could be there too :)
Hey uwe I did it! I was very nervous but it was nice, not too crowded so for a first experience it was cool. I'm relieved, phew!
Indeed, this realization is a real wonder, thank you for this article in any case.
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